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No Company Can Go It Alone

The Future Of Business Is In Collaboration!

Grow Your Business Through The Power Of
Strategic Alliances & Partnerships

Working together with other organisations in strategic alliances and partnerships is the proven go-to strategy for developing synergy and creating speed.

In doing so, it enables the type of growth that can’t be grown by one company working alone.

Did you know that research has shown that 80% of the companies that follow a structured approach create successful strategic alliances and partnerships, while on the other hand 80% of ad hoc unstructured strategic alliances and partnerships fail? 

Alliance Accelerator is an alliance of alliance specialists that bring together alliance specific expertise ranging from consulting, coaching, education, and legal support to accelerate your alliance capabilities, to ensure that you're on the right side of that statistic. 

Three Ways You Can Work With Us


A comprehensive and step-by-step online course that will provide you with great insight into the frameworks, tools and skills needed to develop and drive success in and through Alliances & Partnerships



The Alliance & Partnerships Masterclass is a world class opportunity for you to improve your alliance skills so that you can accelerate out of the crisis and grow your business with strategic partnerships and a common alliance framework.



Anoop & Peter are recognized authorities in Strategic Partnerships and Alliances worth over a billion in total impact helping people and companies to make their business collaborations work. Book a call to discuss consulting projects.


Who Are We?

We are Peter Simoons, Anoop Nathwani and Fernanda Piza, recognized and seasoned Alliances professionals with decades of experience in building and managing Alliances and Partnerships.

We understand the challenges you face as we have walked in your shoes and built and managed Alliances and Partnerships for a long time and at the highest level. Today we utilize our experience in helping you to do the same, so you can drive competitive advantage for your business.


Free Partner Assessment PDF And Interactive Tool For Alliance Professionals

Learn how to successfully assess partner compatibility to ensure powerful strategic alliances and partnerships.

Download this FREE comprehensive PDF & online tool today and:
  • Understand the three most important elements to focus on when assessing a potential partner
  • Gain clarity around the vision and goals of your partnership objective
  • Understand the driving force for synergy and innovation in a successful partnership

When creating alliances and partnerships, it is important to look at partner fit and compatibility, meaning that it is about who we are and how we operate and whether that fits with who your partner is and how they operate.

The purpose of partner assessment is to find the right compatibility and to identify the differences, so that you ensure the greatest chance of success and longevity in your partnerships. 

Simply Enter Your Name & Email In The Form Below For Immediate Access

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